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iPhone Factory Unlock?

My Facebook Account iRT Pinoy Unlocker

April 30, 2012



Update 6:
iPhone Hacker Pod2g is cool man! On Twitter today Pod2g announced that over the weekend the jailbreak developer found 2 big vulnerabilities: 1 kernel-land and 1 root-land. These are vulnerabilities that could allow for injecting packets of code into memory reserved for the operating system and for privileged users respectively, and may be important groundwork for a working jailbreak in the coming months.
Date: 30th, April 2012
iOS Status:
* Latest iOS Firmware: 5.1
* Latest Jailbroken Firmware: 5.1 [Tethered]
* Latest Jailbroken Firmware: 5.0.1 [Untethered]
Device Compatibility:
* 5.0.1: All Devices (Untethered)
* 5.1: A4 Devices, 3GS New Bootrom (Tethered)
* 5.1: 3GS Old Bootrom (Untethered)
Jailbreak tutorials:
* Jailbreak A4 Devices (iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, 4G) [5.0.1]
* Jailbreak A5 Devices (iPhone 4S, iPad 2) [5.0.1]

Update 5:

Update 4:
For those of us following Pod2g’s 5.1 jailbreak saga, we have some more good news. It seems that Apple’s latest Address Space Layout Randomization scheme wasn’t as tough to break as anticipated. Pod2g announced on Twitter this morning that he was able to bypass ASLR. The next step of the project is to execute code on the unjailbroken devices using a ROP payload. The goal of which is to allow software to write to the phone’s kernel memory.
Update 3:

Update 2:

Update 1:
“I’m sure many reading this post are aware that with the geohots A4 limera1n exploit it’s always possible (and quite simple) to jailbreak each new version that is released with relative ease. What isn’t easy is finding an vulnerability for an untethered exploit, and sometimes, massive software changes require a lot of work to achieve cross compatibility with a reasonable range of software versions. As of right now the jailbreak for 5.1 on the AppleTV is limited to a tethered jailbreak, yes I am aware that Stefan Esser (@i0n1c) has an untethered exploit, I don’t know any further details, and am not certain of whether or not he intends to share his research. The tethered jailbreak is only part of the problem, right now we are still busily sorting out legacy and compatibility issues to make sure all roads still go through beigelist when loading third party appliances. I’m not certain how long it will take to merge the differences between beigelist and espresso, hopefully, not much longer. That being said you should all give thanks and praise to two brilliant developers that have been involved with the AppleTV community for a very long time. Brandon Holland (@640774n6) and Dustin Howett (@DHowett), if you run into either of these fine gents or follow either of them on twitter you should show them some love
There is still work to be done, there are some bugs to sort out, however I can report that nitoTV works about 95%, XBMC is broken, and I’m uncertain of the status of all of the firecore products, I know they are progressing along nicely, but I can’t comment any further than that.
There isn’t much to say about this jailbreak, so I’m going to move on to the final topic, which I am going to cover very briefly.”


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